

straight to

the point

registered office of the company

sylc. Apartmenthotel GmbH

Kühnehöfe 3

22761 Hamburg


Phone  49(0)40 - 298 439 00

Mail: info@sicon-hospitality.de

Authorized representative managing director: Holger Siegel

Registry court: Hamburg District Court

registration number: HRB 151622

sales tax ID: DE 317 978 799๏ปฟ

Person responsible for content according to § 5 TMG: Holger Siegel

conception, design and programming

XPORT Communication GmbH

Digital marketing for hotels and tourism


online marketing:

onmari.com, Bremen

Online marketing agency

photos by:

Christian Perl

Andreas Kollmeyer

In part, photos from the Unsplash service are still used (home page, subpages).

text conception and text:

Henning Harms

Mandatory information according to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council:

Link to the homepage of the European Commission's Office for the Online Resolution of Consumer Disputes: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ - further information has been available there since February 15, 2016. If you have any initial questions about possible dispute resolution, please contact us at info@sylc.de.

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